Pearl River Ramble

Pearl River Ramble 10K Race and 5K Walk/Run

Saturday, November 8.  This is a challenging run through the beautiful rolling hills of Henleyfield.  It is a great opportunity to clear your mind and relieve stress as you navigate through the countryside.  Please put this date on your calendar and share it with others.  The entry form for the runs may be downloaded from our website at

2014 Pearl River Ramble Entry Form

Pearl River Ramble Race Results

Pearl River Ramble Course Records

Click here for pictures from the 2013 Ramble!

Introduction to the Pearl River Ramble

The PR Ramble consists of two separate races that share a common start and finishing point. Both the 5K and the10K courses also share a common description. A descriptive single word, “Challenging.” I say this not to frighten or to discourage any runner from racing either of these two great courses. Please note the course records both overall, and in respective age groups are on the website. The “Run-thru-History” in Vicksburg is talked about as the toughest 10K course in the state. The Pearl River Ramble would rank very close to the Vicksburg race in hills and difficulty. You will not run a Personal Record here, BUT you will get a great race, with beautiful scenery, a great pancake breakfast, and some country hospitality.

The Awards are a departure from the trophies you normally receive. I will post a link for runners to see what we have later this year. The 2014 race awards promise to be even more unique than this last year was. After the Awards are given there will be drawings for all the 5K and 10K participants for cash awards. It makes no difference which race OR where you finished. ALL participants will have the same chance to win prize money. The First M/F prize money is $50 each. The Second M/F prize money is $25 each. This is the first year for me to try this. If the results are positive then we will attempt to make the money prizes a larger amount next year.

We are attempting to get our pre-registration as large as possible. In doing this we are offering a discount to any legitimate running club member IF you pre-register by Oct 28. The discount is $18 for club members, $20 for non-club members. Race day will be $25 for all runners. PLEASE! I encourage you to use the pre-register option and save you and friends money. ALSO we are offering a Family option for a family of two or more. A family of two or more will enjoy the $18 offer. Understand this is ONLY for Pre-registration.   Please let family members know that the Pancake and Sausage breakfast will be offered to non-runners at a nominal cost.

I ask that you not take my words here on the race. Rather, ask runners who have raced the Ramble. South of us are numerous runners from the Slidell area that will gladly tell you about the race. For those reading from the Pine Belt Pacers page, ask the Ryder family of this race. Ask Audrey Jackson of this race. She has done it at least twice as has Ms Becky. I believe each will give you an honest assessment of these two race courses.

Please. Train hard and train smart. Then come race the Race, The Pearl River Ramble.

Hope to see you in November.     Mice Misenheimer, Race Director


Please check back for updates on our progress. REMEMBER…Pre-register is the way to save yourself money. C u on the road…Mice

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